Friday, February 20, 2015

Righteous Fools and Flawed Wisemen

Who is righteous?

I have watched and waited.  Years I have spent looking, listening and contemplating.  I have seen multitudes of people, people who claim power, claim abilities, claim gifts.  I have seen people who speak to angels, and many who claim to speak to angels.  I have seen witches, sorcerers, priests, pastors…all who claim the anointing of some power, something that makes them special, something that makes them stand out.  I have seen them make claims of greatness and specialness in the eyes of God.  I have seen hacks, I have seen cons, I have seen charlatans.

I've seen them all.

I've seen many that claim righteousness.  You know them, some of them look at you when you wake in the morning and stare into the mirror.  I have watched them as they lay claim to perfection while denying any weakness or fault.  I have watched them point the finger, and bring down the hammer on those they decry as sinners and "less than".

You know who they are.  Some of you who read this have suffered at their hands.  Some of you have made others suffer at your hands.

Who can truly claim righteousness?

The definition of righteousness is: the quality or state of being just or rightful:

I say this with a loud voice.  I shout it.  I HAVE NOT YET MET A TRULY RIGHTEOUS MAN OR WOMAN!   

Jesus said it…Mark 10:18  “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone."

Was Jesus a righteous man?  By the customs of today's culture he was wrathful and a bastard.  Yes, a bastard, his mother was pregnant with him BEFORE she was married. Mathew 1:18

But God chose him.

Moses, was Moses righteous?

He was a murderer.  He killed an Egyptian and hid his body in the sand.  Exodus 2:12

Moses had faults, weaknesses…Exodus 4:10 Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”

But God chose him.

I can go on and on, with the Bible alone.

What is my point you ask?

I'm glad you asked.

My point is this…

We have two sets of criteria for deciding who speaks for God.
We have the way God sees it.
We have the way Man sees it.

According to man (man in the sense of the race of man not male, quiet you feminists) the measure of who speaks for God is righteousness.  A man must be perfect, without flaws, eloquent, nicely dressed, successful etc….after all, if the man truly speaks for God then should he not have the favor of God and therefore be MORE than a man?

According to God the measure of who speaks for God is…who God chooses to speak for God.

It is not up to you, me or anyone else who God chooses.  Those who have appointed themselves are not only false, but tools of the ruler of this world.  No I am not speaking of God or even Jesus here.  In the Bible Satan took Jesus to the top of the temple and offered him all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would only fall down and worship him (Satan)   Jesus said "my kingdom is not of this world".  How would Satan have the authority to offer the world to Jesus unless he was in fact, the ruler.

See those who speak only of their gifts.  Look at those who are arrogant and claim kinship with angels.  Watch those who take upon themselves the mantle of perfection and judgment of others.

And you will be seeing the false.

Do they speak as men?  Do they speak only in elevated language designed to make themselves look educated or holy?

Those who have no fault…are lying.  Those who have no sin are lying.
Those who look down at others do not realize that they are beneath those they judge.

Think I leave myself out of this?  Oh no!  I judge and I look down on people.  Even while I do it I know it is wrong, but cannot stop.

From my studies it is clear that even Archangels have difficulty resisting the lure of flesh while incarnate.  They forget themselves and are tempted.

Do you think you are an Archangel incarnate?  I am sorry for you, for you are deluded and woefully misguided.

I simply do not trust the man or woman who cannot or will not admit to their faults, for they lie.  I do not trust anyone who claims to be an angel in the flesh.

I have met many, like I said.  I have seen many false things and people.

I have also seen the real thing.

The one I trust is honest.  He/she is forthcoming with their faults and weakness.

I have watched a persons face morph while channeling.  I have seen an angel made of light come out of a wall.  I have watched the latest version of Gods book, The Elyon, come into this world.  I have seen more miracles, large and small than I can document or remember.

I have witnessed a true Oracle at work.  I have seen her gift grow and blossom. 

I have seen one touched by the Grace of God.  Not the elite, not the beautiful or rich…but an ordinary man made extraordinary by his love and devotion to God.  Not for glory or fame, but simply because he loves God and wants God to love him back.

Like prophets before him he resisted at first.  He did not feel worthy, did not understand why God would choose someone like him.  He still does not know, and in this life, will likely not know.

The Book calls him scribe.

God chose him, for reasons known only to God.  He does not seek fame, does not even want to be the pen in God's hand.  But he loves God more than himself or anyone else.  He also fears God.

So he marches on, because God asked him to.  And like Jesus, would gladly not drink of this cup, but does because it is God's will.

He will freely tell you that he is not righteous.  Perhaps he should not, maybe he should pretend to be perfect and holy so you will listen better to what he says.  But he can't, the Spirit of God has taught him to be authentic.  When he dies he will face God with the words, "Just as I am oh Lord, just as I am".

This is the example I strive to follow.

I always try to remember this....

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


"The overweight believer has just as much of a chance of obtaining
the highest goals as the underweight believer; and those who are
considered ugly by human standards, in truth, probably have a
better chance of reaching the highest heavens, than those who are
burdened with a vanity that is born of great physical beauty.
Superficial and vain measures of beauty are ungodly standards by
which to judge anyone."

The Elyon : Monologue 61

Over the years I have heard and read many conversations with Spirit.  Some have been in books, some in autowritings, some from the mouths of channelers, and still others have found their way into my mind during meditation and prayer.

It is very very crystal clear that spirits view the physical condition differently than those of us trapped in the mortal form.  This passage is an example of the things I have heard and read.

Now, this can be difficult.  On the level of spirit and intellect, it is easy to see and accept.  I can fully understand what is said and agree with it.  That is, if I do not allow my body, lower self and subconscious chime in on the subject.

Now, ask yourself (in the midst of your self righteousness) if you can truly say that you follow this ideal.  Can you truly (while looking down your nose at others) say that you do not judge others by these superficial measures?

I can find examples of this even in holy writings.  Suffice to say, that this kind of attitude, in truth and totality, is very difficult to hold onto.

Yes, we all have superficial and vain measures that we use to judge others with.  To say otherwise is to fail in your attempt to reach authenticity.

However, this does not mean we cannot work on it...every day.

It has been my experience that people of great wealth and beauty often show a lack (whether small or great) of morality and social skills.  It is people of lesser stature that develop these things.  (exceptions always)  The ugly or simply plain person, is forced to develop depth to their personality and develop skills in dealing with other people.  Those who are poor cannot simply buy friends and influence.  They must work.

I am a person without wealth.  I am a person without any significant measure of physical beauty.

I have compensated by developing what I have.  With the gift that God gave me.

Still, there is that annoying lower standard within...that thing that judges others by appearance.  However, in me it has become warped.  I see a beautiful woman and I automatically think of her as vain, shallow and unfaithful.  I see a handsome man and I see someone who will stab me in the back and in truth, not be bothered to give me the time of day.  I see the rich person and I feel invisible.

I have learned, by way of compensation, to avoid them, to abstain and to strive to be everything that they are not.

Kind of rambling I know.  But sometimes I do not know how I feel until I say it.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Speculations on the nature of God and the Vanities

As always, we spoke of spiritual matters today.  The conversation walked through several subjects and we came up with some ideas that people might find interesting.

Imagine a cockroach.  Give this cockroach a sense of self and an understanding of good and evil (within the limits of its senses of course).

Now to this cockroach, food is good, abundant food is better.  A life without poison, predatory spiders and large squishing feet is a good life.  This cockroach would view something that threatens it's life and health as bad.  Let us say, to the cockroach, this would be conceived of as evil.

To this cockroach, a clean, orderly person, armed with a spray can and large feet, might be seen as evil.  Might be seen as the devil.  Its sister, and brother, times 150, just got sprayed and stepped on.  Oh my!  What kind of being would do this???  How cruel, how evil.

To this cockroach, a slob, someone who drops food, doesn't clean and doesn't use poison, and doesn't step on good.  In fact, this person might be seen as God by the cockroach, for all things that make life possible flow from the person.

The cockroach has no concept of diseases that affect humans.  It has no idea that a person might find it's ideal environment disgusting and dangerous.  It may have all sorts of ideas in its little head as to why these things happen.  There could even be atheist cockroaches in the clean persons house, saying things like "how could God let these things happen?"  or perhaps  "I can't believe in a God that would allow/do those things".

Yet, the poison gets sprayed, the boot comes down, the bleach cleans up the mess.  Nothing the cockroaches do or think changes it.

The cockroach does not have the long view that the human has, nor does it understand the consequences of over breeding and messing its environment.

This can be seen as a metaphor for humans and God.  How do we know what God thinks?  How can we say that someone's death, suffering, etc, is evil?  How do we know what God sees?  We see suffering and say "How can God allow this?"  We see war, evil, disease etc. and we say "This is the work of the devil!"  Is it?  Take the each case it is a human, but when the human provides what it needs and wants, it calls that good, when the cockroach suffers, it calls it evil.  This is what we do.  We cry out against what we see as evil.  We cheer what we see as good, and even the very religious will often wonder why God allows things to happen.

We simply cannot see, conceive or understand God's viewpoint.  This is what I believe to be the core message behind such sayings such as "Vengeance is mine, says the Lord"  or "Judge not, lest you be judged".  Things like the ultimate nature of good and evil are up to God, and we can only hold on and hope that God doesn't decide that its in our best interest to be stepped on.

Now, as to the Vanities...

Imagine a valley filled with ranches.  Field after field of them.  Each a large area of grass, each a safe place for the cattle.  Only natural disasters to fear, acts of God as it were.  They roam free, feed as they go and no nothing beyond the fences and the demands of their lives.  The Ranchers tend the cattle, feeding them in times of cold, providing the pastures for feeding in warm weather.  The Rancher breeds them, shelters them, brands them...and eventually they are slaughtered and eaten.

The Rancher doesn't hate them.  In fact, the Rancher could even be thought to have some affection for them.  After all, they in turn will feed the Rancher.

The Rancher is a Vanity.  Like the Rancher, the Vanity tends its herds (of humans) and nurtures them until they are taken in for slaughter and consumption.  When a Rancher loses a cow, he will go to great lengths to recover that cow.  So a Vanity will do also.  When  you are lost to a Vanity, that Vanity will make great efforts to recover you.

If you are addicted to drugs, of course they will come your way.  If it is sex that you desire...just turn on the tv or surf the net.  Money, power, politics?  All within easy reach when your Vanity wants you back.

Like the Rancher, the Vanity believes it is doing right.  It is providing a service...some even believe that they cull the herd and make the remaining cattle strong.

These are some of the things we discussed today....
Nothing heavy today.  I just went through my settings and enables comments for anybody that wishes to say something.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The post with no title


I know that this blog is rarely viewed but that is not important.  It is just a place for my words, whether or not they have any value to anyone but myself and my need to vent.

Anyway, self....

I am as I am....just as I am oh lord.

I can tell from the responses of those I deal with that I am creating tension.  I can see that some, those that respond a lot, think of me as too severe and intolerant.  I can see that.  I know what they a degree...and I am, at once, ok with it and not ok with it.

The people pleasing part of me, the guy that could never hurt others, never wanted to fight, was never big, beautiful, rich or popular...that part cringes every time I post something that I think will offend or scare or disturb etc.

But there is another part.

That part once took part in ideas and activities that almost ruined me, almost killed me and almost cost me my soul.  I have been through some fire...though not as much fire as some I know.  I have suffered, yes.  I have watched people.

I see Christianity.  I feel the lash from the tongue of the Christian.  I watch as they divide and divide.  I see that they have lost the fight, that they have failed.  Christianity is too fragmented to do anything but bicker with itself.  I watch as Baha'i sells out, as Christians sell out.  I watch as Islam becomes something horrific, brutal and serves Abbadon.  I see that Judaism does nothing, nothing but move ever closer to secularism.  I see Samaratinism, Zoroastrianism, Sikh....going nowhere, doing nothing.

I see that there are a few of God's angels still struggling to bring help, compassion, love, to humanity.  I also see that it is a losing fight.

I see this thing called Urianism.

I see it's enormous potential.  I can see that it has the power to truly change the world.  A power that only Islam still has, but only the power to change the world for the worse.  I see, perhaps single mindedly, that Urianism could lift humanity to the angelic.

Because I see this, I am...shall we say....reluctant, to watch it be degraded and sell out.  Because of this, I can be harsh and severe.  I am, in matters of Spirit and Urianism, a black robe.

It is difficult for me to sit back and watch others try to bring the residue of paganism, humanism, angel worship etc., into the beautiful thing called Urianism.

I have read the work many times.  Lately I have really read it.  For by reading it aloud for the videos and eventual audio book, I have had to read every word.  No skimming, no skipping, no phase outs...truly read it.

It is in me now, no matter what happens to it or where it goes, it is in me.  My thoughts are shaped by its words.

However, it has been pointed out to me that we are so very small as a group.  So I tell you now self...that I will only post from the Elyon, not from my own words, from now on.

I will do the three things Spirit wants most right now.  Post community, post book, post video.

God, please be with me and comfort me.