Thursday, February 19, 2015


"The overweight believer has just as much of a chance of obtaining
the highest goals as the underweight believer; and those who are
considered ugly by human standards, in truth, probably have a
better chance of reaching the highest heavens, than those who are
burdened with a vanity that is born of great physical beauty.
Superficial and vain measures of beauty are ungodly standards by
which to judge anyone."

The Elyon : Monologue 61

Over the years I have heard and read many conversations with Spirit.  Some have been in books, some in autowritings, some from the mouths of channelers, and still others have found their way into my mind during meditation and prayer.

It is very very crystal clear that spirits view the physical condition differently than those of us trapped in the mortal form.  This passage is an example of the things I have heard and read.

Now, this can be difficult.  On the level of spirit and intellect, it is easy to see and accept.  I can fully understand what is said and agree with it.  That is, if I do not allow my body, lower self and subconscious chime in on the subject.

Now, ask yourself (in the midst of your self righteousness) if you can truly say that you follow this ideal.  Can you truly (while looking down your nose at others) say that you do not judge others by these superficial measures?

I can find examples of this even in holy writings.  Suffice to say, that this kind of attitude, in truth and totality, is very difficult to hold onto.

Yes, we all have superficial and vain measures that we use to judge others with.  To say otherwise is to fail in your attempt to reach authenticity.

However, this does not mean we cannot work on it...every day.

It has been my experience that people of great wealth and beauty often show a lack (whether small or great) of morality and social skills.  It is people of lesser stature that develop these things.  (exceptions always)  The ugly or simply plain person, is forced to develop depth to their personality and develop skills in dealing with other people.  Those who are poor cannot simply buy friends and influence.  They must work.

I am a person without wealth.  I am a person without any significant measure of physical beauty.

I have compensated by developing what I have.  With the gift that God gave me.

Still, there is that annoying lower standard within...that thing that judges others by appearance.  However, in me it has become warped.  I see a beautiful woman and I automatically think of her as vain, shallow and unfaithful.  I see a handsome man and I see someone who will stab me in the back and in truth, not be bothered to give me the time of day.  I see the rich person and I feel invisible.

I have learned, by way of compensation, to avoid them, to abstain and to strive to be everything that they are not.

Kind of rambling I know.  But sometimes I do not know how I feel until I say it.

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