There are several points to make and I will list them first.
1. Urianism discourages the worship of angels.
2. In deciding to become a Urian, one may be tempted to take short cuts in training...especially if one has training in other systems.
3. In making the decision to become Urian (or even when converting to something else) you have severed the tie with the paradigm or beliefs that you once aligned your thoughts to, and this can cause problems if not understood.
Point 1: Worship of Angels
I have noticed that a few people in our communities are focusing greatly on angels. In some instances I believe that people are receiving something. In others, I feel that there might be the element of trying to get attention and be perceived as "special".
The Elyon speaks clearly to the worship of angels, as follows:
In worshiping
anything less than God, in creating an image to bow down before, in devoting
yourself to angels or saints, you blaspheme
everything that the Holy Spirit, the angels and the saints stand for,
and in the process condemn yourself to spiritual rebirth.
Only the Vanities care
about such anthropomorphic distinctions, while the ascendant should know
better; and all who turn to the worship of angels and saints, have by their
actions only offended the very beings they have sought to venerate.
Point 2: Shortcuts
The purpose of the priestly training in The Elyon is to create a person with an "Elyon trained consciousness".
When you have an Elyon trained consciousness, you become attuned to the frequency of the angel that spoke through the scribe and gave us the message. Your interpretation of events, both external and internal, begin to align with the ideas given in the book. This, as Urian numbers grow, gives more power and focus to those ideal and helps Urianism become more and more of an effective force in the world. The training also helps focus you, the individual, to your pillar and order. This helps to insure the cohesiveness of Urianism and goes a long way toward preventing divisions. From the bible, when Jesus was accused of using the power of the devil to drive out demons, we know that a divided house cannot stand. This is why Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc. are failing and a new revelation was needed.
Let me make one thing clear. The Elyon has been written/spoken and no further additions to the text are needed. Anything else is merely commentary for assistance in understanding. In biblical terms...the prophet has spoken and we do not need another this case, a scribe....and the book tells us that it will be 1000 years (if things go right) before Urianism will see another scribe.
To the best of my ability, while I live, I will attempt to see that the teachings of The Elyon are not subverted or subject to division.
Therefore, I tend to take any communication from "angels" with a grain of salt.
Do not proceed with the
9th Degree unless you have fully
accomplished Degrees
1-7. In skipping the basic training you will
find yourself opened
to self-deception and demonic delusions.Monologue 56
Point 3: Changing Paradigms
This is a most important point. I have seen it at work with everyone who finds their way to this path. Even when they do not fully embrace it.
When you have read The Elyon or listened to the audio versions, you have been given information that you cannot unlearn. It is now a part of your consciousness and will forever color your thinking. Even if you consciously reject it, your spirit within has the information and may choose to cast you off as a worn out old garment when you finally die. And we will all die.
When you came to us, you had attached to you, a cord or string or it what you will...that connected you to the collective that most closely mirrored your thoughts and feelings. This is your puppet master, the over-mind, the god of your heart.
For many of us, when we made the decision to follow this path, there was resistance. Resistance in our hearts, minds, friends, families, etc. This is because you were attuned to a particular paradigm or system of ideas and beliefs. When you made the decision to change, that paradigm (over-mind) resisted. In The Elyon, there are illustrations at the back that show this. The connection with your paradigm was severed and a new connection with a new paradigm was forged.
However, you brought with you many things that did not fit within the new paradigm. Ideas, thoughts, judgments, beliefs, feelings, loves, hates...etc.
There then follows a period I call "The Fire".
This is the period when your old world wants you back and your new world wants to keep you. This is a fight, and it is a fight for your spirit and soul. Therefore it is one of the most important and difficult fights you can have in your entire life. For the outcome will determine where you go in death.
For me, I went through a ritualized process. I burned all the things associated with my old path and dedicated myself to this path. It was not easy. Many of the things I had, did not just leave. I still had my old filters and all my old desires and wants. The old world constantly tried to get me back, in the form of dreams, friends and family trying to talk me out of it and speaking against my new path. I cannot convey, with simple typed words, the emotional pain and upheaval I went through during this phase, a phase that lasted several years.
Many of you, right now, have thoughts, ideas, feelings...that you do not want to get rid of. You have a way you believe the universe works and what God is, etc. Adopting the thinking, the paradigm of The Elyon will not be easy.
I say again, it will not be easy...even if you read and fully accept what you read.
The old world, the old paradigm, the old master...will want you back and your life will not get better, it may even get harder. For Urianism teaches us that there is no magic pill, no quick prayer, no instant one time salvation. Urianism teaches us that the bad guys can win and that our salvation is an ongoing process.
Urianism is not for the faint of heart. It is a path for those who would cast off old ideas that keep us chained on the wheel of reincarnation. But nothing of value comes without cost. It must be worked for. Uriel tells us, that in any given generation, only 1% of 1% reach a place where they get out of this prison we call our universe.
What percent do you want to be?
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