Sunday, January 11, 2015

What a Urian is...and isn't

Just what is all this stuff anyway?  What do we mean when we say "Urian"?  How does one determine if they are Urian?

The Elyon tells us that "Urian" means "from heaven".  However, this is not to be taken literally.  Uriel, through the Elyon, is not telling us that we are angels.


Many people in many religions and within the new age movement wish to think of themselves and call themselves angels.  Indeed, it is almost a fad.  It seems that people are so desperate to feel special that they will latch on to anything.

I am not an angel.  I am a Urian, but I'm not from heaven.  What I mean is, by being a Urian I am TRYING to become more like an angel.  Not special, not glorious, not the savior of mankind.


I am trying to bring my will and life more into line with God's will.  I am striving to live by the principles laid out in the Elyon.  I am doing my best to make God the center of my life and live according to the 20 laws of Urianism.

This is what it means to be a Urian.

It means that I do the 7 devotions as often as I can, every day.   It means I believe that the Elyon is the path for me.  It means that I am working my way upward.

The Elyon tells us throughout, what a Urian should be.

The book is even more clear on what is NOT a Urian.  A Urian is not someone who has sex outside of marriage, especially adultry.  A urian does not promote a secular or hedonistic agenda.  A Urian does not believe that all religions are true.  A Urian....well, you get the picture, and can do your own reading, for the Elyon also tells you not to listen to what anyone would tell you about what is in the book, but to read it for yourself.

 I have included just a few passages from the book.  However, I must strongly urge....

I repeat, strongly urge, anyone who would call themselves read THE WHOLE BOOK, before you decide to call yourself Urian.

Monologue 23
Urians are to strive to be like People From Heaven, and as
Children of the Most High (Psalm 82:6, Gal. 3:26-29), and this
instruction is sent to transform every soul and spirit of man into an
angel (a child of God) in the hour of resurrection, which is death to
matter and flesh, and birth into true spiritual existence. To be born
again of truth and spirit, is to become a living soul.

Monologue 36
In sincerely and faithfully adhering to what I
have given you, in accepting the truth of what I have revealed, in
doing the seven devotions daily, already you are on the road to the
angelic. Already you are a Urian; and, so long as you strive in the
Way of Spirit and Truth, you will remain one, and enter into the
Solar Heavens at the end of your days on earth.

Monologue 45
Urians are instructed to build bridges/relationships with
Zoroastrian, Jewish, Samaritan, Christian, Islamic, Sikh,
and Baha'i sects, rather than to war upon them.

Monologue 72
Urians should make license for those
whose view of God, cosmology, and/or the path to God is
different, as with the other forms of monotheisms, and yet, should
not compromise on core moral issues.

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