Sunday, January 11, 2015

Three Robes and Three Pillars

I want to put my two cents into the ideas of white, grey and black robes/pillars.

It must be understood that the ideals of each pillar need to be viewed through two different lenses: firstly through the lens of Urianism as an isolated system, and secondly, in regards to the world outside of Urianism.

Within Urianism we have the idea of three approaches to life, politics and God.  I will sum it up briefly.

White robe/pillar...compassionate, merciful, diplomatic, loving.
Grey robe/pillar...balanced between mercy and severity, diplomacy and war.
Black robe/pillar...severe, militant, active.

There are many other words that could be applied here, but these will suffice for this discussion.  What must be understood here is that these definitions are applied within Urianism.  In other words, the white pillar is merciful in regards to the black pillar.

Outside of Urianism we have a different idea.  When comparing the white pillar in Urianism to the so called "liberal" side of the outside world, the white pillar shows up as conservative, somewhat severe and certainly NOT liberal.

Let me put it this way.  A white robe Urian may be able to show mercy and love to an adulterer...but would most certainly NOT tolerate them.  A white robed Urian would NOT promote promiscuity, adultery, abortion, homosexuality, secularism, humanism etc.  A white robe would promote rehabilitation, treatment, re-education before violence or punishment.  Nor would a true white robe Urian tolerate all religions.  To be Urian is to believe in only ONE GOD, and to believe that there are only a handful of acceptable religions in the world that believe the same.  A white robe would not, for example, support or promote or even tolerate Hinduism, Wicca or Satanism.

The main difference lies in the fact that the white robe may support exile or relocation, while a black robe would favor execution.  The grey robe would be a person who believes that each situation is different and should be evaluated on its own...something like, execution for repeat offenders but mercy for first timers.

Within the circle of Urianism, white robes may be thought of as "love and light", but in regards to the world they would be seen as severe and intolerant and would most certainly NOT be lumped in with what outsiders consider "love and light".

There is much more that can be said on this subject.  However, I will leave it for now and let others speak.

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